Resources to Help You Get Started with WordPress Theme Development

If you are thinking of getting started with WordPress theme design and development, whether to customise an existing theme, or have a go at making your own creations from scratch, then the resources in this post should give you some good information to help you take those first steps.

With a mixture of advice, links to tools, tutorials, and other resources, there should be something to fill any knowledge gaps you may have in this key area of WordPress usage, and help you get started off on the right track.

Hopefully you will be able to save yourself some time and unnecessary effort by picking up some tips on good practice before getting started. You can also find a selection of resources that take care of the design initiation tasks for you, which aren’t always the best use of your time. Continue

Introducing Long Tail Keywords in SEO

Since Google introduced its latest search algorithm – Google Hummingbird in September 2013, long tail keywords optimization in SEO strategy has been of more importance than ever. Its search engine is said to be way smarter when shifting its focus to the whole query meaning and decipher users’ intent behind each question. Pages that satisfy the semantic search better would rank higher than pages only matching a few words in the query. This is when long tail keywords step up to the plate. Continue